First week of school done.
I didn't expect it, but Colton came home yesterday afternoon.
Super glad to see his smiling face.
No roommate for him yet and so far all is well at UWRF.
The school had a club fair and interest in the chapter of Pheasants forever he is starting is high.
He sure looks happy.
First football practice was this week.
In years past so many kids signed up to play that there were enough kids for 2.5 teams.
This year they barely have enough for 1 team.
Which is Ok with Caden.
He says only the kids who really want to play are there; instead of the kids who didn't wan't to play, but had parents who made them.
Big parade in town today that Chyann is marching in with the High School band.
Think this may be the first year that we've went to the parade that it hasn't been scorching hot.
She's glad there wont be a lot of heat because she is playing the snare drum and it's heavier than hell.
bye :)
1 comment:
So do they play local towns?
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