Huge booms and flashes!
The power went off 8 - 10 times, but managed to come
back on after a bit.
That was the first time I felt we needed to go to the basement
since we lived here in Wi.
Right after the Hubby came home from work
round two hit.
And yes I think we got some straight line winds.
We had some incredibly strong wind to drive the rain.
And boy did we get some rain!
This tree by the cow barn was completely uprooted
from the ground!
No kidding.
I couldn't get a good picture of the roots due to
all the rotten vines, but believe me they
were totally pulled out of the ground.
No damage to the cow barn.
get the tree off the fence and roof.
He said our luck it would end up falling
on a horse or one of the branches would poke an
eye out.
We've got the horses in this pen and the cows outback
right now.
The goats sure like the leaves.
Looks bare now.
Water still running off 2 hours after the storm.
The ground is just saturated.
Beautiful sunset.
Ended up having another storm mini storm without the
strong winds around 9p.
Total our rain gauge said almost 2" of rain.
Glad it wasn't worse.
Hoping for a hot day to dry everything out now :)
I hope it dries fast. With all that rain an dnow the sunshine I can see my grass growing!
What storms we had, hey? We got 3" in less than 1/2 hr. That's a lot of rain. Our driveway turned into a mini river and the creek bed has swollen beyond it's high water line. Too bad about your tree. We had a few branches in the lawn but did not get the powerful winds you had. Our power flickered on and off 4 times, so that wasn't bad. My garden doesn't look as bad as yours. It sure is muddy, tho.
Hang in there. We are in for more for sure. We always get some dandy storms through Aug.
Stay Dry and BlessYourHearts
Not good for your garden. Goats love leaves. I know mine do.
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