Saturday, June 14, 2014

A BLUE ribbon day at the Fair

Last year when we went through the Arts & Crafts building at our local fair, I saw all the items on display and thought to myself that I should enter something next year since I did a lot of the same type stuff that was on display. 

Fast forward a year. 

Since we are not involved in 4H or FFA anymore I had no idea who to contact for information regarding how/when to enter items in the fair. 
After numerous calls with no results I almost decided to hell with it, this is a pain in the ass and too much trouble, but the Hubby said we'll just go down to the fair grounds and ask around. 
So we did and the time was right THEN.

Having no idea how to fill out the forms I winged it, got registered and put my items in the designated sections. 
There done. Easy enough right?
While driving home I was flipping through the rule book and see that canned items have to have a specific tag on them detailing how that product was processed.
We turned around and went back because damned if I was going to be disqualified over not having that bit of info on my jar.
Of course I had nothing to write on so I borrowed a piece of notebook paper from a gal and hand wrote all required information then taped it on my jars. 
Went home.

Woke up at 3a the next morning thinking why did I do that? A handwritten note taped on my jars?
Tossed and turned until it was time to get up and then dug through my old scrapbooking crap to find some pretty paper and some stickers. Printed my info on the pretty paper and during my break at work zipped to town - removed the handwritten note and affixed my MUCH prettier/cuter/looked like I put some time and thought into it label. Course I ran of and left half my stickers at home so was only able to put the pretty stickers on one jar lol dang it.

Went home and waited.
The judging was at 1p.

We didn't head back to the fair until 4p.
The anticipation was making me giddy.

Imagine my surprise when I find that I actually won a BLUE RIBBON! 
  First place for my Chyna's Sweet and Hot Salsa and a Red second place ribbon for my Mom's Favorite Kosher Dill pickles - there was a note on the back of my entry info saying I had beautiful pickles and would have taken first IF I had entered them in the correct pickle category. Some how I put them under relish instead of actual pickles. Oh well, now I know. 


A Red second place ribbon for the picture I took of Caden.

A note stating I left out the required who/what/where/when about my picture was left for me. - Drat!
I had a great time and may just do it again next year, now that I half way know that to do. 

I was also surprised to see that an older brother of a boy on Caden's baseball team did a whole exhibit on the boys' baseball spring training.
Check out the picture he included of Caden getting ready to hit the ball. 
It's funny because that was his first home run hit and I was behind the fence trying to video tape this very same hit.
Which I didn't get because I pushed the wrong button on my camera lol


In other news. 

The cat Bobbi Jo is doing much better. 
All the swelling is gone and she is ready to return to the barn - hopefully a bit smarter about staying away from the horses. 

The big dog, Dodger aka Hudson - I just can't say Dodger for for some reason - is I swear the best dog we've ever had. I love him.

Going to put the uncovering of the pool off for another week due to the cool temps. 

Chyann and I had a great horse ride on Sunday. 
Felt great to be riding again.
She is back to riding/working with the horses everyday too.

later :)


Ami said...

SO cool about winning the ribbons!! There is something so magical about fairs, don't you think?

And how awesome is it that someone got a still shot of your son hitting that ball!!!

I won a ribbon when I was 12 for a skirt I made, and I still remember how excited I was. And I still have the ribbon.

Eric is the pickle person in our house (that sounds vaguely pornographic, doesn't it?) and I tease him about it.

I told him I think he's a lesbian. He likes to cook. He likes to can and make jam and jelly. He cleans the house quite a bit. And here's the big one... he likes boobies.

Definitely a lesbian.

Aunt Krissy said...

Way to go Kellie! Pretty soon you will have a wall full of blue ribbons. next year you will need to enter a pie! Thanks for my bday wishes. Went to Alicia's for a bbq, fun times. I bought a tkt coming home 4th July!

Nicole said...

That's soooooo awesome that you got first and seconds!! You should ask the guy for that photo of Caden!

tainterturtles said...

Wow Kellie, nice going! If anyone should win a blue ribbon, you should....everything you make is wonderful.

Nikker said...

Congrats on your ribbons! That's awesome!
I love the fair and really hope Kase wants to do 4-H and we get to do the fair someday! I don't have any talents to enter as an adult! (0: