Wednesday, June 25, 2014

6 months till Christmas, officially and other such

Yes, as of today we are half way to Christmas and of course it's my Birthday too.
Yay for the 14th anniversary of being 29 again. 

In other news White face had her calf with no problems and she seems to be doing well. 
No name yet, but Caden is calling her Black face.
I think she needs a little more imaginative name than that.
Any suggestions? 

Beautiful sunsets every evening lately.

Caught Chyann in some illegal (without a helmet and no shoes!) riding the other night when I went out to get the above picture. 
Guess she thought I'd never know. 
She calls this free riding.
Bareback with only a thin rope around her neck. 

Big baseball game tonight, hope we don't get rained out. 

later :)


Aunt Krissy said...

Happy Birthday to you. If I knew Yupik I would sing that to you.

xoxo, see you soon

Nikker said...

Happy Birthday!!! Hope you had a great day with a little cake and wine (probably not together though..)!
It was also my niece's 12th birthday!
I'm not ready to think about Christmas yet! (0:

Nikker said...

Ooops, my calf names, in no particular order...


We used to name our heffer calves old lady names and or bull calves after the current popular t.v. show characters. We've eaten Chochie (sp), Fonzy (sp), Richie, Lenny, Squiggy made it to "manhood", Trapper... and the list goes on... We apparently really liked Happy Days, and I'm not so sure it wasn't a re-run when we were using it for inspiration! (0:

tainterturtles said...

Yikes, we're halfway to Christmas? That's always hard to believe.

Hope you enjoyed your birthday. It was nice talking to Caden today in the library. He sure is growing up fast.

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Kellie. i talk to dad today.

Nicole said...

Addison missed being born on your birthday by one day. Happy Late birthday although I hit you up on facebook :)