Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Willow...

I was backing out the other day and noticed the willow tree looked a little strange. To me it's always looked like a perfect replica of cousin IT from the Adams' family. Very shaggy, but symmetrical.

Now it has a major branch jutting out on the East side.

The leaves on the branch are turning yellow faster than the rest of the tree.

A view from inside the canopy and wow that's a big branch.

After a little investigation I've discovered why that branch looks strange. It is cracked and has pulled away from the trunk about six inches at the worst spot.

I absolutely hate it that this has happened to my beautiful willow tree!

The Hubby is going to have to cut it off before it falls and does even more damage to the tree.

Keeping my fingers crossed that the rest of the willow will survive.


tainterturtles said...

Oh no! That is such a beautiful tree. It also looks like a very old willow tree. Good luck to the hubby.

Aunt Krissy said...

Oh no! I love that tree. I hope that it will be okay with the limb cutting.

Rocky Mountain Yankee said...

I love willow trees, hope yours survives.

PAK ART said...

That is a beautiful weeping willow. I've never seen one so big. Kind of reminds me of the whomping tree from the Harry Potter books (that's how I envisioned it before the movies came out.)

Lisa said...

Willows are so beautiful. We planted a few close to the swamp on our property when we first moved in 19 years ago. They lasted a year, then the beavers came.....

Nobody ever told me that willow's were a beaver delicacy.
