Friday, July 15, 2011

Animal Friday!


After work last night Chyann and I went for a nice ride. The Hubby took these pictures from quite a distance away.

Jennifer was irritated that I would not let her eat the sweet beans that are now growing in this field. I was irritated that she kept trying to eat. We went round and round on that for a while - literally. She finally got the idea that eating the beans was not a good idea.

Scotch did very well for Chyann. The perfect ride for her. They walked, trotted and cantered circles around me and Jenny.

Look at that leg! She can get it in and out of the stir up with no problems. 83* as of yesterdays PT!!

Coming up the driveway she was cruising and the Hubby really only caught her smiling face. I sure need a camera with a faster shutter speed.

Then there's me. Bringing up the rear.

All I can say about this picture is that Jenny sure is a beauty and I really take the worst pictures.

Yesterday's high temp was about 70* and both Chyann and I were wearing sweatshirts.

Lily and Marble have been taken to a neighbors place to run with the bull. They'll be gone about six weeks or so. Their baby's from last year, Eight Ball and Cinnamon cried all afternoon and evening for them.

Hope you have a nice weekend!

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