Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First day of school

Hard to believe another school year has began.

Colton is a Junior.. What, no way that can be possible.
Chyann is a sixth grader.. That seems more plausible.
Caden is a first grader.. That sounds about right.

Our family tradition has always been for Cal to take the day off work and we
take the kids to school together, then have a nice quiet day at home.

Back to making lunches as the kids don't like hot lunch much
and that's alright with me as long as they eat it and are not
throwing it away.

I hope they all had a great first day of school. We shall see as they will be home soon.


crochet lady said...

Makes me wish I had taken a photo of my boys this morning.

Hope you and Cal had a nice day together.

PAK ART said...

That's a nice tradition to take the kids to school together. When ours were younger that was my job. Until I started working and then I think Tim had to do it for awhile. Katie would cry every day when I took her and dropped her off, she never cried when Tim did. I guess I was being manipulated!

Lisa said...

Our first day is September 2.

Aunt Krissy said...

Sorry, Colton is that old. You are old enough to have a kid that's a JR this year. Ha ha ha!

tainterturtles said...

That's so funny...my kids never wanted to eat hot lunch either!!! For all those years I packed lunches, then when the kids were in high school, they packed their own. I always had to make sure I had "lunch" food in the house for the kids.

A new school year is always fun. I still listen for the bus when it passes by my house in the morning. It brings back panicy memories of when the kids were late for the bus. Kids started yelling, kids started running, and I was a bundle of nerves. Those days are gone now, but I still listen for the bus...isn't that weird?