Friday, December 12, 2014

Concerts, phones and other fun

I love going to the kids' Christmas concerts
They are excited about preforming, usually dressed in their best and eager to  show off their skills. 

Unfortunately no videos would load for me today and am out of time to fiddle around with it. 
So here are a few pictures. 

Chyann getting ready to play.

Caden and the band.

And Caden just before he sung with the choir.
He had a solo in one of the songs and he was amazing!
I'm thrilled that he did so well. 

A technology update.
Yes, I got my phone and it's pretty cool. 
Took me a few days to figure out how to stop my text messages from going to Colton and his to me and Caden was getting my calls on his ipod. 
Weird stuff right.. 

Now I'm just afraid I'll loose the damn thing.
Also talking on it feels unnatural, like talking into a book or something.
Because I like to talk on the phone much more than I like to text.
My phone does have this neat feature called face time.
I can call up Colton and SEE him as well as talk to him.
If you've got this feature on your phone, call me/face time me - I'd love to see you too :)

We've had a nice warming trend and the snow is almost gone. 
Supposed to rain and get up to almost 50* through the weekend. 
We could have a brown winter and I'm okay with that. 

Still not ready for Christmas, but getting closer - sort of. 
Less than two weeks till the big day.

Busy weekend ahead.
First basketball tournament in a town an hour North of us tomorrow. 
Then we'll be heading over to River Falls to bring a load of stuff home for Colton. 
Next week he has finals and after finals he has to move out of the dorms since he is going to Europe next semester.

Have a good one!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

So I'm guessing iPhone? if that's the case did you go 5, 5C, 5S, 6 or 6+? I have facetime so I was able to figure it out :)... especially with things going to Caden's iPod. Yeah we had fun with things going to the wrong place for a while... my texts were going to my iPad. It was annoying. Oh well we survived as I'm sure you did as well.