Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Time flies..

Saturday was Halloween, a big day at our house.

Chyann went trick-or-treating with some of
her friends then had a sleep over.

Caden and Pipi set out to get lots of candy too.

We were going to do the local haunted house,
but Caden wanted to go home.
I thought maybe he'd just gotten chilled,
but no he had the flu.
Been sicker than a dog since then.
Temps up to 103*, body aches,
sore throat, tossing cookies and
all that.
Don't know if it was the dreaded H1N1 or
the regular flu, but he is doing better now.

Saturday was also Colton's 17th Birthday.
Hard to believe he is that old already.
No pictures of him cuz he went to a friends
Halloween party.

Saturday was also our 18th wedding anniversary.
Yes, it's been that long.

Colton wasn't due until Nov 7th and lots
of folks said wouldn't it be funny if he were born
on your anniversary. I said No, but the fates
decided otherwise.

Since Caden was sick we didn't do much
just watched movies and ate nachos.


crochet lady said...

Wow saturday was a big day..the flue, trick or treating, a birthday and an anniversary!

That is weird that we didn't know our boys shared the same birthday.

Lisa said...

Oh no! Hopefully it isn't H1N1. Sounds like it though. Yikes.

tainterturtles said...

Poor Caden, I hope he's feeling better tonight. The flu is everywhere. It's just a matter of time before my hubby and I get sick, especially with me working with the public.

Aunt Krissy said...

You sure couldn't tell that he's been sick by tonight. If you call in sick tmr I'm off! Play hookie with me?

Kellie said...

That's is the beauty of being young, they bounce back quickly. He is going to school and no hookie for me.