Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rough Ride

So, Chyann and I went for a ride on Sunday morning. The sky's were blue with big puffy clouds and the damn wind was howling!
Gypsy wasn't too wild about all the wind, but we were going anyway.
As we got down the driveway and started going down a slope of about 45 degrees, into the field a truck pulling a huge camper comes down the road. All of the sudden we hear a horrible noise! I look and the upper corner of the camper is pealing back. About a quarter of the whole damn side is now flapping in the wind, not to mention the truck is probably going about 60mph!! Can you just imagine this noise? We let me tell you Gypsy thought Lions and Tigers had come to eat her!!
She almost falls trying to get up the slope and proceeds to dash down the drive way. I finally get her under control, turning some circles, trying to direct her mind back to where her feet are going. I look to see what happened to Chyann and Casper and they are still in the field with Casper eating some grass. Glad he didn't freak out. The driver of the truck is stopping on the road and the side of the camper is dragging on the ground still flapping in the wind. Gypsy decided Oh shit it's still coming for me!! So off we went again. I got her stopped and walked her back to the barn. Thinking I am so done with this today. The adrenalin dump gave me such a terrible stomach ache that I thought I might puke, not to mention shaky legs that would barely support me...
Chyann rode for a while and had fun. Good thing Casper is spook proof.

Jenny, Gypsy, Scotch, Cowboy and you can just barely see Casper's white back.

Anyhow.. We'll be back to riding again soon...


PAK ART said...

Wow. that would be really scary. I like Casper-like horses. When I get a horse someday I want the oldest, most gentle, most spook-proof horse there is.

crochet lady said...

Yikes. Glad you were able to stay on him and you both are ok.

I love the way the horses have their ears perked and are looking at the camera in that last photo.

Aunt Krissy said...

Thats a good pic of all (almost)the horses. Glad that Casper is such a mild horse.

tainterturtles said...

Did you ever find out what happened to the camper? Did it just like fall apart on the highway? I've never heard of that before. Poor Casper, I bet he was really freaked out.

Cedar View Paint Horses said...

Gotta luv them Arabs....boogety-boogety-boogety-boo!

Chyann:) said...

Well PAK ART Casper isn't old he's only 7-8.Riding him really pays off some times.I'm just affraid that some day were going to run into a bear someday and he's just going to sit there and try to eat it(he eats EVERY THING left out especially dog food)
