How'd that happen.
I don't think this weekend could have flown any faster than it did.
A few pictures of the ice fishing expedition yesterday.
The Hubby said the ice was about three feet thick, so he didn't have any problems driving my van out on the ice.
Our friends have a nice little camper they bring out, that has all the comforts of home.
From heat to hot food and cold beer.
The Hubby didn't fish, but played cribbage and assisted Caden while he was fishing.
Unfortunately no fish for Caden his first time out, but he did get a nibble and is super stoked to fish this spring.
I'm not sure why we don't fish more.
I'm guessing we just have so many other things going on, that it is not a priority.
Meanwhile the weather is just a smidgen above freezing and that means we are getting some melting going on.
Unfortunately that also means water in the barn - good thing we only have the horse water located in there and it's easy enough to move to higher ground since the water is pouring in.
What a mess.
And we are forecast to get 9 to 12 inches of snow starting tomorrow afternoon.
Can we all say DONE with winter?!?!
No tattoos after my visit with Sherri and family last night, but we did have fun.
We always do.
Today Colton headed back to college and the new room mate.
After my nap by happenstance, the bathroom remodel began.
I stubbed my toe on a piece of vinyl tile and the prying up of that shit had to happen.
Amazing how much energy one has when they get two WHOLE days off in a row for two weeks in a row.
I was quite intent on scraping and prying with a butter knife to remove the tile, when the Hubby, who believes in working smarter not harder, brought in a small air compressor and some kind of funky air hammer.
Damn, that thing worked like magic!
I'm already over a quarter done.
We're the guys fishing on Tainter Lake?
You'll have to show up photos of the bathroom remodel when done!
Yes they were fishing on Tainter.
Pictures will be coming soon :)
Hey that machine sounds genius! We had to scrape up all the linoleum off our kitchen floor back when we bought the house. Oy that sucked! Where was your hubby with this tool you refer to! :)
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