Daylight savings.
Did you remember to turn your clocks back?
I didn't.
When I woke up at 5a the Hubby informed me it was only 4a and to go back to bed.
Which I happily did and slept in till a whopping 7a!
Do you get all excited about turning the clocks back an hour?
I was talking to a friend and she was telling me how much she looked forward to turning the clocks back an hour so she could have an extra hour of sleep every night and how that extra hour really made a difference in her life.
I can see how that extra hour can benefit you on the first day, but after that? I don't see it.
So, in the spirit of falling back - my week in rewind:
This morning I am able to sit here at the computer with only a minimum of aches and pains.
Aches and pains you ask?
Yes - 28 hrs of OT will make you the sorest, achiest, cranky person EVER.
(and make you totally avoid all other computer related activities like blogging, catching up on my invisible friends blogs and checking email)
The Hubby says it's not a wonder it took me so damn long to get to feeling better.
Which I must say, so far this weekend I'm starting to feel like my old self again.
Today's big plan is to put all this wood we cut and split yesterday in the basement.
After the truck and trailer are unloaded we will finish cutting the little that is left and get it stacked.
Course it was Halloween too.
Our 21st Anniversary and Colton's 20th Birthday.
For the Anniversary we did what we always do - took the kids trick or treating.
Our group this year was pretty big as a bunch of Caden's friends from football/baseball and four other parents were with us.
We toughed out the chilly temps and walked the town with the kids around from 5p to 730p.
Colton apparently didn't do much for his Birthday - or so he says.
Soon as I'm done here I'm going to make him a cake.
Tuesday night we went to the High School Fall concert.
I forgot my damn camera.
I've NEVER forgotten my camera.
Good thing Caden brought his Ipod thing.
(which he bought with his own bday money)
I was able to record the concerts, but haven't yet figured out how to download the videos to my computer.
The band was AWESOME!!!
They played some great tunes!
Classics like Paranoid by Black Sabbath
and more modern music like Moves like Jagger by Maroon 5.
Chyann and I did take a little ride in the freshly harvested field next door on Sunday as well.
Don't ya just love the orange?
Still hunting season around here.
Saw some amazing clouds.
It was a beautiful day for a ride.
Jennifer kept trying to snag leftover stalks of corn and discarded cobs, so Chyann kept her on a short rein.
I told Chyann to make Jenny move her feet every time she attempted to go down for a bite.
That worked until Jenny tripped and about fell.
Scared us all lol
Chyann has been working on getting Jenny to just stand.
A proposition that is much harder than you'd think.
Backing up is also a work in process.
I suppose we'd both be more successful riders if we actually took some lessons to polish our techniques.
(figure out what the hell we are doing)
About a mile South of town two women have had their horses attacked by cougars.
Tore a few of them up pretty good I heard.
The attacks happened at night as that is usually when cougars are active, hunting for food.
The DNR - dept of natural resources, thinks the cougars wont stay around long since they usually travel between five and seven miles a day hunting, but might stay in the area longer if they've found a good source of food, like an abundant deer herd.
There have also been recent sightings of bobcats and Canadian lynx in the area.
How's that for scary?
And we though we only had to worry about bears.
Alright I'm making a cake then doing wood.
Enjoy your day :)
Okay, that giddy 'I got to sleep in an extra hour' feeling lasts me for about a week.
But here's something most people don't think of. It gets dark an hour earlier. And little ones in day care start to worry about their parents coming to get them... because it's dark and they're not there yet.
I think you might consider going armed when you're out riding. Lions and Tigers and Bears... oh my.
Happy Anniversary!!
Daylight savings gives me stress! I barely get a chance to see my horses in daylight, except on the weekend. I keep thinking I need to move to a state that does NOT take part in this craziness!!
Great childhood memories of making the smell..and of course the fantastic heat!! Nothing in the world like wood heat.
We are wearing hunters orange around these parts too. Better safe than sorry.
Mmmm...cake. (0:
I woke up early too, but thankfully was able to get back to sleep. This new time change will goof me up for a week or so, but then my body finally adjusts.
Now that's a lot of wood to split!
Wasn't it a beautiful day today? Lots of sunshine and no wind.
Happy Belated Anniversary to you guys and happy birthday to Colton! wow.. time flies.
be careful out riding!!
the extra hour is nice the first day, but I dont like that its dark by 530pm or so now.
have a great week! hope you get off your butt !!
I've never heard of a Canadian lynx before. I take it they aren't good. We actually had black bears a few years ago that they think got in and killed some of my sheep. Another sheep flock got attacked as well around here. Crazy!
Listening to your post, I'm worn out! i can only imagine 28 OT will do to you :). Want to come chop wood for us too please? Save me the trouble :)
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